Thursday, May 22, 2014

Skylark for the CC3 Challenge 2 and the Garden H2H challenge

Compendium of Curiosities 3 (Tim Holtz) Challenge 2:

Dear scrappers,
As every month, I did my club class today and offered the regular WOTG Skylark (CTMH) and a basic alternative using only the Skylark paper pack and the shipboard elements. I used for my own sample other solid color papers (white daisy for one and parchment for the other LO). When I glued the shipboard embellishment I thought about the CC3 challenge 2 at:

And decided to use some glitz and TH distress glitter in tarnished brass, which matched perfectly the slate color in the card stock.
Voila here we go:

I also used the garden theme suggested in this week H2H challenge and wanted to include some flowers from the shipboard embellishments:

H2H Challenge: In the Garden

I used the flowers in both the double layouts as bullet points for the journaling spots and some other places or bring the rule of threes and make a visual triangle:

I used the birds in the second double page layout for the same purpose:

I hope you enjoy these two challenges and participate as well,
As always I appreciate your input and look forward to hearing from you,
Best Memorial Day weekend

CTMH Skylark papers and chipboard embellishments
Liquid Glass (CTMH)
Glossy Accents (Ranger)
Distress Glitter (tarnished brass, Ranger)
Distress Ink (tea dye, Ranger)
Glitz (glue glitter, CTMH)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Vicky Tovar


  1. It's always nice to see a layout! I love the glittered birds and your paper colors! Great design! Thank you so much for playing along with us at CC3Challenge!!!

  2. Great layouts, I love seeing layouts used for the challenges. I love cards too but it is good to see some layouts! Thanks for playing along with us at H2H! :) Brandi @crzy4scrapbooking!

  3. What a lovely layout! Thanks for playing at H2H
